When we first moved to San Juan Island, Eliza, who was three at the time, introduced herself to everyone she met as Frances….
When we first moved to San Juan Island, Eliza, who was three at the time, introduced herself to everyone she met as Frances….
Last August I embarked on a lunch box challenge: I set out to bake bread each week of the school year for my daughter’s peanut butter and jelly sandwiches….
With sesame seeds and toasted sesame oil, these Sesame Crackers burst with a nutty, rich flavor that seems almost surprising in such unassuming little bites.
I‘ve never liked Wheat Thins — the pasty texture, the Play Doh-like flavor, the way they stick in my molars when I eat them. …
Perhaps my younger daughter’s desire to wear green clothes all week long set me off. Or maybe it was listening in on conversations about catching leprechauns and convincing them to hand over the gold….
W hen I realized that I could make potato bread without the recipe, I knew the time had come to expand my bread repertoire. This sounds obvious, but making it happen proved more challenging than you might think….